Monday 4 April 2011

As the Foo Fighters sing "I've got another Confession to make..."

As the Foo Fighters sing "I've got another Confession to make..."

So today for me was the start of my Oxford Lit Fest experience with it in full swing. From the feedback I heard of the weekend, so far the festival has been a hit. If you're reading this and were lucky to attend any of the weekend events, comment away I want to know what you thought of it all. I can't wait to nag at my fellow Blackwell bookseller friend to see her pictures from the children events. Jealous!

Today has been a very chilly day but luckily no rain, which I feel is essential. Whilst other festivals like Glasto pass Welly boots as the IT fashion piece, I think I'd like to pass for this week thanks! I spent most of this morning replenishing stock, making sure all the key titles were out on display. It was nice to see the Marquee full of customers, obviously for Thursday and Friday we spent the day alone setting up, so it was great to see it fill as the day progressed.

I just want to take this moment to express how cool it is to be able to go in to Christ Church. I've been in Oxford now approaching 4 years and in that time I've only once come in to Christ Church on a walking tour and that was more to see the cathedral. For those of you who may be reading this but are unable to attend any events this week let me describe it to you quickly. The building is old marble stone white, unlike Cambridge most colleges in Oxford are not red brick. There are may twists and turns which lead you in to quads, one which is small and one which is HUGE, where all the room locations for the Christ Church events are held. For students studying there, you're all very lucky. I've had a chance to look into the accommodation they have, imagine an old fashioned place, where two bedrooms share a massive living room area, it's like having a mini flat minus a kitchen and who really needs more than a fridge and a kettle when all their food is cooked for them!

After my little side-track comment there, back to today's events. I got to sell books at two location events today, starting with Jonathan Coe and Catherine O'Flynn hosted by Rebecca Abrams. Due to the event being in Festival Room 2 I was not inside the event so I have to comment on how I think it went by the laughter, there was a lot of laughter so the event must have been a hit! It was a nice small group of around 50 people, so I can imagine as a fan it must have been great to be able to speak directly to the authors after. I had a quick conversation with Jonathan Coe, who thanked me for opening his books for him so he could sign them, we had a little chat about how I must be sick of seeing authors signatures, to which I replied it's nice to put the book to the face, we see so many books of the shelves and it's fun to be able to meet the authors who personally I really respect. You sometimes forget authors are real people too. Saying that I always find I gush over authors, no matter who the author is.

Later in the Marquee we had a complete mad rush moment. Ingrid Betancourt must have given an inspirational event, I mean who couldn't resist the opportunity to hear how one woman survived with a Terrorist group for six and a half years?! Gripping stuff. We sold all copies we had, there were so many people wanting to have her book that we called all the emergency stops and a colleague from the bookshop came to our rescue riding down on the Blackwell Bike (the famous one that sits in the Stationary side on the ground floor and I wonder how long it has been since it was last ridden) with the copies we had as stock in the bookshop which were sold in seconds. So if you're looking for your next biography read, maybe you should give her a look.

I then moved on to the second event of the day I worked at which was Kitty Dimbleby, who was hosted by Julie Summers. A small event but on a subject that really is fascinating, women behind the men who go to war and their stories. I really can't imagine what it must be like to have someone you love in a situation so dangerous and far away. Check it out! Also added comment, Kitty seemed lovely. Her dress was really pretty too, a woman who knows how to dress the part. I saw her later on walking around the marquee. So people if you pop in, keep your eyes open, you honestly don't know who the random man you're standing next to could be. Simon Winchester was spotted and apparently was a fabulous man to talk to. He's just written a book on the Alice whom Alice in wonderland was based and written for which looks REALLY interesting.

That honestly sums up my day, after day one I can't wait to find out what events I end up working tomorrow. Hopefully something exciting will happen and if it does, you'll be the first to know. A quick thanks to Mumma Verjee for cooking us cakes, they were lush.

Confession Over and Out.

Book Addict

P.S If you want to see what's going on but perhaps can't afford to attend any events, there was free Oxford University Press Very Short Introduction talks which happen in the marquee that anyone can attend during every day this week. The Oxford Literary website (posted before) explains more. Plus there's a company giving out free Gin, FREE. Three great reasons to come say hi for (us being the first of course!).

P. P.S I just want to say sorry now, I didn't have time to clear my SD card before coming today so I didn't take my SLR camera. No author snaps to put up but I will tomorrow- promise! Check the blog out tomorrow. I have however below left all the links to the authors I've spoken about in this blog, just in case you're interested in reading more. Plus, most authors have signed copies in the marquee (minus Ingrid, sorry) so grab 'em whilst you can.

The Authors Mentioned

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